CNIEL is represented by three bodies: milk producers, dairy cooperatives and private dairy companies
CNIEL's values
Cniel's values
- Cniel is a privately run organization.
- Cniel operates through voluntary commitment, driven by the shared motivation of its members to work together.
- Cniel’s decision-making relies on unanimity (decisions are made unanimously by the three colleges).
- Shared responsibility, the result of the desire to work together, underpins Cniel’s work.
FNPL : National Federation of Dairy Farmers ; CP : ConFrench Farmers’ Confederation ; Coop de France Métiers du Lait : French Dairy Coop Federation (Dairy cooperatives) ; FNIL : National Federation of Private Dairy Processors
Legal framework for CNIEL, the French Dairy Interbranch Organization
The French State has recognized the importance of this organization and supports its action by making the implementation of all agreements reached by CNIEL compulsory for all dairy professionals (Rural code L 632–12 to 632-14).
What is a dairy community agreement?
What is a dairy community agreement?
This is the written expression of a decision made by the three Cniel federations on a specific subject. State approval of Cniel agreements makes their implementation compulsory for all dairy producers and processors. An agreement may have national or regional scope.