ANICAP - Association Nationale Interprofessionnelle Caprine
Association Nationale Interprofessionnelle Caprine
Description ANICAP - ANG
ANICAP is the French goat industry’s umbrella organization, which has been recognized by the State authorities since 1998. Its action benefits stakeholders from across the industry, including producers (farmers or deliverers) and processors (private companies or cooperatives). ANICAP represents the French goat industry vis-à-vis national and/or European authorities.
ATLA - Association de la Transformation Laitière Française
Association de la Transformation Laitière Française
Description ATLA - ANG
ATLA was created in 1993 when two federations of French dairy manufacturers, the National Federation of Dairy Cooperatives (FNCL) and the National Federation of Dairy Industries (FNIL), decided to merge their interests. These federations have pooled their skills and many of their resources. ATLA addresses “downstream” issues concerning the industrial transformation and marketing of dairy products.
CNAOL – Conseil National des Appellations d’Origine Laitières
Conseil National des Appellations d'Origine Laitières
Description CNAOL - ANG
Created in 2002, CNAOL is an association representing all “ODGs”, associations that defend and manage the interests of French Protected Designation of Origin cheeses (known as Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée/AOCs in France or Appellations d’Origine Protégée at a European level). CNAOL’s primary mission is to defend and promote French dairy PDOs. Forty-six cheeses, three butters and two creams carry a PDO label in France, accounting for 230,000 tonnes of products sold, or approximately 17% of matured cheeses.
France Conseil Elevage
France Conseil Elevage
Description France Conseil Elevage - ANG
France Conseil Elevage (FCEL) is a federation of Conseil Elevage companies (e.g. milk quality controllers) and Bovins Croissance companies (breeders of lactating cows). FCEL members are approved by the French Minister of Agriculture to provide the public service of registering and monitoring the performance of lactating dairy cows and goats. Committed to developing their advisory activity for breeders, they work by the motto “giving meaning to measurement”.
France Conseil Elevage addresses the mutual needs of its members in all areas of their activity and operations, especially by producing practical indicators for providing advice to farmers, and benchmarks to guide advisers and the industry.
FIL France - Comité national français de la Fédération Internationale du Lait
FIL France
Comité national français de la Fédération Internationale du Lait
Description FIL - ANG
FIL France is the French National Committee of the International Dairy Federation (IDF).
Created in 1984, FIL France is a non-profit association based at CNIEL’s headquarters. It has approximately 100 members, including CNIEL as an ex-officio member. It is funded by membership fees.FIL France is supported by French dairy stakeholders (CNIEL, federations and product unions) in carrying out its technical, scientific and/or economic work for the sector.
FNEC - Fédération Nationale des Éleveurs de Chèvres
Fédération Nationale des Éleveurs de Chèvres
Description FNEC - ANG
Created in 1958, FNEC represents all French goat farmers, both dairy milk suppliers and producers of farmhouse cheese. It defends the interests of goat farmers in national bodies and all organizations linked to the goat industry (Institut de l’Elevage, the French livestock institute; Confédération Nationale de l’Elevage, the National Livestock Confederation; FranceAgriMer, the national agricultural agency; Capgènes, which runs the French goat breeding programme; GDS France, the national federation of animal health protection groups; etc.). FNEC also represents goat farmers in ANICAP, the national umbrella organization for goat’s milk.
GIE MDL – GIE Maison du Lait Gestion
GIE Maison du Lait Gestion
Description GIE MDL - ANG
Created in February 2009, the Maison du Lait economic interest group (GIE Maison du Lait Gestion) was created to promote synergies among the different organizations housed at Maison du Lait, in terms of financial, budgetary, accounting and human resources management. Built in a spirit of optimizing internal processes at Maison du Lait while avoiding outsourcing, this group offers members the technical and human resources required for their work, as well as technical, financial or marketing analyses of any financial management optimization issues concerning the different organizations or their own members. Out of the 33 organizations housed at Maison du Lait, 29 are currently members of GIE Maision du Lait Gestion.
IPLC - Institut Professionnel du Lait de Consommation
Institut Professionnel du Lait de Consommation
Description IPLC - ANG
Created in 1999 at the initiative of SYNDILAIT, IPLC brings consumers and distributors a guarantee of best practices in drinking-milk* production through a code of practice going beyond regulatory requirements. An exclusive “Garantie IPLC” logo on packaging guarantees that this code has been followed.
IPLC is a voluntary quality system based on strict standards and continual progress.
* “Drinking milk” refers to milk bought in bottles or cartons.
SIGF - Syndicat Interprofessionnel des fromages à pâte pressée cuite
Syndicat Interprofessionnel des fromages à pâte pressée cuite
Description SIGF - ANG
Created in 1963, SIGF represents a communal tradition dating back more than eight centuries whereby milk is pooled at local cooperative cheese dairies, known as fruitières in French. Here, tradition meets state-of-the-art methods for analysing the market, guaranteeing quality and promoting French pressed cheeses.
SOGAL SOCAMUEL - Société de Garantie des Entreprises Laitières Agricoles et Alimentaires
Société de Garantie des Entreprises Laitières Agricoles et Alimentaires
Description SOGAL - ANG
SOGAL-SOCAMUEL is a financial institution specializing in guarantees for the dairy sector, including bank loans and sureties (FranceAgriMer, BIRB, etc.). Accredited by the French central bank (Banque de France), the organization was created from the 1990 merger of two companies with similar activities, SOCAMUEL (founded in 1964) and SOGAL (founded in 1974).
SPPAIL - Syndicat Professionnel des Producteurs d’Auxiliaires pour l’Industrie Laitière
Syndicat Professionnel des Producteurs d’Auxiliaires pour l’Industrie Laitière
Description SPPAIL - ANG
Created in 1946, SPPAIL represents companies that manufacture and/or sell fermenting agents and enzymes used by the dairy and food industries.
SPPAIL represents the profession on specific issues regarding fermenting agents and enzymes vis-à-vis public and professional authorities, both nationally and internationally.
SYNDIFRAIS - Syndicat National des Fabricants de Produits Laitiers Frais
Syndicat National des Fabricants de Produits Laitiers Frais
Description Syndifrais - ANG
Syndifrais is the French national trade organization for manufacturers of fresh dairy products (yoghurts and fermented milk, fresh unripened cheeses, fresh dairy desserts and creams). Created in 1978, Syndifrais represents about 20 members, working to defend their interests and promote their development.
As a high-tech agri-food business, fresh dairy products represented €5 billion in 2012, or around 8% of the food industry’s revenues.
SYNDILAIT - Syndicat National des Fabricants de Lait de consommation liquide
Syndicat National des Fabricants de Lait de consommation liquide
Description Syndilait - ANG
Syndilait is the French trade organization for drinking milk manufacturers (pasteurized, microfiltered, UHT, enhanced, flavoured, etc.) Created in 1972, this trade union represents about 15 companies. French drinking milk brings annual revenues of €2.2 billion euros.
Other organizations
CNIEL’s headquarters house various organizations representing the dairy industry, providing them with access to experts and resources designed to promote synergies.